Does Talent Alone Bring Success? » Achieve. Celebrate. Elevate!
Fist Ace
by on October 7, 2018

To succeed, it takes more than just talent!

It takes you years to learn the skill. It takes you many more years to master it with practice... and more practice... and more pratice. You practice day in day out. You sacrifice opportunities to hang out with your friends. You sacrifice countless hours... just to perfect one tiny bit... a fractiion of your skill, but you want to master your skill. All that... for what? only to get slammed on the face? You hit a brick wall. Doors slammed... one after another. You get discouraged. You are frustrated. You are mad. It's cruel world. So much time wasted. Every now and then, you hear a success story. someone has made it. Then another... but unfortunately... not you. Time goes by... reality hits... You got to pay the rent... living expenses. You get a job... any job... to pay the bills... to get by... Sad! You lock your talent away... somewhere... Every now and then, you would take it out and practice a bit... to escape this harsh reality. Days... months... years... gone by, no more practice... no more talent... Forever... only reality. Damn! Don't let that happen to you! Join one of our talent groups or start your own in your area that fits your interest. Like right NOW! We promote one another as one POWERFUL community!

About the Social Tribal Concept:

The Problem – Individuals and businesses are scattered & isolated (like broken-up puzzle pieces), not knowing the existence of ALL those who share common interests that can help one another to succeed. Thus, the lack of such unity means that individuals and businesses have to struggle by themselves in whatever they are trying to accomplish, making it difficult for developments, improvements, and collaborations (or, generally speaking, opportunities).

The Solution – We unite individuals and businesses based on interests into specific industries for developments, improvements, collaborations, and opportunities. The best tool is the Social Tribal Concept.

The Goal – Each industry is represented by a Tribe. Thus, the goal of each Tribe is to serve as the foundation to support a culture of perpetual developments, improvements, collaborations, and opportunities; thus, ensuring the social and economic welfare of Tribal members and the economic health of each industry, individually, and all industries, collectively.

The Benefits – Individuals and businesses can benefit from personal developments, skill developments, skill improvements, business developments, business startups, business improvements, collaborations, and opportunities.

Get Involved – You can make a difference! Contact us if you want to help expanding the Social Tribal Concept:

  • Recruit other members. There are financial and non-financial rewards for membership recruitments! More info at Tribal Recruitment Rewards.
  • Promote yourself and your business by offering training, tutoring, coaching, etc. to attract potential customers, new employees, .partners, etc.
  • Promote yourself and your business by offering jobs to our members.
  • Promote yourself and your business by sponsoring the Tribal membership t-shirts.
  • Collaborate with other members to form a band, a business team, start a business, etc.
  • Promote yourself and your business if you have an idea or a suggestion that adds value to the Social Tribal Concept and to this community.

DOWNLOAD Your Tribal Membership Application (below). NOW!

Tribal Membership Application.pdf 265.19 Kb . 24 view(s)
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Yes. One day or the other Talent bring the success. One has to work hard. People cannot hide Talents. Talent is a Talent. Talents cannot be suppressed. This is the World of Life. Everybody has got a Talent.
February 18, 2019